Building community. Delivering higher expectations. Quickbooks Pro Advisor is a valuable program for accountants to participate in. However, the program was losing interest because it felt impersonal. Without a compelling reason to engage with the program, accountants felt ProAdvisor wasn't worth their time. Through numerous interviews with QuickBooks users, we heard the same request: Talk to us like people. We discovered that recent communication from ProAdvisor had relied heavily on wonky lecturing, sterile messaging, and even professional stereotypes. To convince users to return to ProAdvisor, we needed to do something that would seriously subvert their expectations. It was time to make it clear that this wasn't the same ProAdvisor these accountants had come to know and ignore.
Campaign / Website / Event
To reposition ProAdvisor enrollment as a badge of honor for QuickBooks users, we inducted members into our secret order of accounting masters: The Society of ProAdvisory.
To bolster the aura of mystery and intrigue, we developed an illuminati-inspired visual identity and accountant-themed wisdom (“ProAdvisor Proverbs”) for a themed microsite.
In all, how successful was the Society of Pro Advisors? Well, ProAdvisor Proverb #61 says, "Balance every success with equal celebration."
Increase in accountant engagement with program.
6 + Hours
Amount of voluntary testimonial video footage captured.
3 minutes
Duration of average visitors to the microsite.